Friday, February 8, 2008


My name is Tesfaye. This is my personal blog, 'ye tesfa chilanchil' (glamour of hope (?), in Amharic). It is solely meant to be a space for the expression of my personal views. I will mostly be expressing my views in regards to Ethiopian politics, and whatever else falls in between.

Blogs, among many other mediums of self expression, are some of the things we take for granted in the west. Many in our country can only dream of such an unlimited opportunity to express themselves. In their respect, I will do my best to be as responsible as possible.

Regarding feedback, although I do not believe in censorship, I am not fond of most internet commentators who take shield in their anonymity to fill the space with negativity either. In most cases, those comments, most of which probably come from few individuals, end up overshadowing the important message. So, I have weighed the pros and cons and decided to disable the comment section. However, if people are interested in giving feedback, they can e-mail me at Once a week or so, I will post few messages that I believe are representative of all the feedback. That way, a reasonable space will be given to all.

Thank you for visiting my blog.